An Exciting Church...Excited About Jesus!
"Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father
which is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
Pastor Blanzie Williams, Jr., after 14 years of preparation and growth in the gospel ministry and months of fasting and praying, was given a vision to birth Brighter Hope Christian Fellowship, Inc. on May 28, 2005. The vision of our founder is for Brighter Hope to be a “Christ-centered fellowship producing a people of purpose, praise and power, evidenced by transforming worship, relevant teaching, and an unselfish dedication to service through the use of our tithe, time and talent: illustrating the love of Christ Jesus as we seek salvation for the lost, healing for the sick and deliverance for the oppressed.”
Starting a new ministry with a small budget and not knowing your “true” followers is a tough task. But with God, it only takes a few loyal and faithful people to carry out the plan. Pastor Williams and Elder Van Cornelous diligently searched for a worship site. While the search was on, Minister Clarence and Sister Ann McClain opened their home to allow us to have our weekly Bible study and choir rehearsals. God touched the heart of Pastor Alvin Thompson and the New Trinity Church family who opened their doors and allowed us to use their sanctuary for an 8:00 am worship service starting the first Sunday in July. There were several leads for a worship site, but none were for us. Word came that the Clayton Civitan Building was becoming available. Our name was put on a waiting list—the last name on the list, BUT GOD! Favor is not always fair. On August 7, 2005 we held our first worship service in the Clayton Civitan Building. Pastor Thompson and New Trinity Church still allows us to use their sanctuary for baptisms.
Though we had a place to hold worship, space was still needed to hold meetings and choir rehearsals. In October of 2005, we began to lease a house on 501 Main Street as our Administrative Building. On December 2005, we held our first Christmas Banquet, raising over $1500 for our building Fund. This has become an annual event.
With the desire to be a New Testament Church, Brighter Hope has been blessed to increase its leadership through the addition of several Associate Ministers and Elders who are dedicated to learning and understanding God’s spiritual order for the Church. They are leaders not only for our church, but who are taking their prospective places in the Body of Christ.
Many ministries have begun and continue to flourish. It is difficult at times with only a few disciples, but little becomes much when it is put in the Master’s hands. The Rest Home Ministry, “Goldenaires” Seniors Ministry, Men That Matter Men’s Ministry, and Women of Hope Women’s Ministry are designed for fellowship, service, and learning more about our Christian walk.

In January 2009, Brighter Hope became a satellite location for Faith Bible Institute, offering audit classes and a three-year diploma program. The first class graduated in December of 2011 and has gained invaluable knowledge of the Bible. In 2012, Brighter Hope also became a satellite school for Bible Faith International Seminary. There are students pursuing degrees ranging from Associate in Theology up to a Doctorate in Theology. We are excited about the possibility of offering biblical instruction and degree opportunities at a reasonable cost for our community.
One of our key objectives since the beginning was to pay off our land located on Slate Top Road in Clayton, NC. In May of 2011 we met that objective well ahead of schedule. While continuing to develop ministries to serve our community, part of our next objective was to obtain financing for our building project. We are pleased and feel blessed to report that that objective has now been met also. 2012 has already been a year of divine manifestation of God’s continued blessings, and we eagerly, with great anticipation and expectation, look forward to worshipping in our new building.
Even though we have experienced loss in the body, we believe that God will continue to do great and mighty things here at Brighter Hope, not only in our lives, but throughout the community. History represents our past and reminds us of God’s grace and mercy. Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision and make it plain on the tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” The road has not always been easy but with God, the faithfulness of our disciples, and the help of family and friends, we believe that all of our goals will be met and even exceeded. To God be the glory for the things He has done and is yet to do!
To be a Christ-centered fellowship producing a people of purpose, praise, and power, evidenced by transforming worship, relevant teaching, and unselfish dedication to service through the use of our tithe, time, and talent by illustrating the love of Christ Jesus as we seek salvation for the lost, healing for the sick and deliverance for the oppressed.
To be a Christ-centered fellowship that desires to bring people to Jesus and membership in His family to develop them to Christ-like maturity, and to equip them for their ministry in the church and their life mission in the world in order to magnify God's name.
Warmer Through Fellowship - Fellowship helps you face problems by providing the support and encouragement of other Christians.
Deeper Through Discipleship - Discipleship helps you fortify your faith by learning the truth of God's Word and applying biblical principles to your lifestyle.
Stronger Through Worship - Worship helps you focus on God. It prepares you spiritually and emotionally for the work ahead.
Broader Through Ministry - Ministry helps you find and develop your talents and use them in serving.
Larger Through Evangelism - Evangelism helps you to fulfill your mission of reaching your friends and family for Christ.